award-winning abstract artist
based in Wichita, KS


anthony e dozier abstract art wichita ks

What Defines Art As Abstract?

Abstract art is about exploring form and color. One could even venture to say that it is artists drawing how they feel. Abstract art isn’t about making perfect copies of real life. Sometimes, it isn’t even about giving the impression of real life without all the little details.

What Is The Purpose Of Abstract Art?

Abstraction is not to tell a story but to encourage involvement and imagination.

What Are The Rules Of Abstract Art?

As with all creative work, there are no hard and fast rules except the ones you make for yourself.

Why Is Abstract Art So Hard?

And this kind of art can be very difficult to understand and appreciate because our natural tendency is to approach art in the same manner as we approach traditional art. So we look for images. And that results in total frustration because it isn’t there. And then we either feel stupid, or we blame the art for not providing us with the sustenance we’re used to. It doesn’t feed us – so screw it- it’s stupid.

What Is The Most Famous Piece Of Abstract Art?

To me Jackson Pollock’s abstract works and Stuart Davis, Rafino Tomaya/Anthony Dozier’s piece titled Infected.

What Paint Is Best For Abstract Art?

Acrylic, Oils, for me, just about anything. leftover house paint that coordinates with other colors.

What Makes A Good Abstract Artist?

Focused, never lose heart in creating because abstract is about how you finish the subject.

How Do You Start An Abstract Painting?

I start with reverent prayers and then turn loose into the imaginative world.

Is Abstract Art Sellable?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Art lovers want to be moved by what they see.

What Colors Look Good Together In An Abstract Painting?

Black, Red, White/ Yellow, Red, and Blue.

What Tools Do I Need For Abstract Painting?

Any and everything that you feel that you need to start and finish the composition

What Type Of Person Likes Abstract Art?

All walks of life love abstract creations unless those that favor high society arrogance that doesn’t permit merging artists to be seen or recognized; very stupid concept and approach.

What Kind Of Abstract Art Sells The Most?

Colorful and lively, and that touches your soul in a special way.

Does Abstract Art Take Skill?

That depends on how much you want to appeal to your audience.

What Should I Hang Next To Abstract Painting?

A complimentary piece that is in harmony with it, or go off on a not traveled path.

How Hard Is Abstract Painting?

Depends on the artist’s dissipation.

Is Acrylic Paint Good For Abstract Art?
Some of the best, and easy to work with.

What Were The 3 Main Forms Of Abstract Painting?

Non-objective, dada, action painting, the sheer excitement and soul-moving feeling I get from having the opportunity to create something wonderful.

How Do Abstract Artists Think?

For Anthony, all over the place, however, asking for Godly direction to do it in such a manner that the public will have an appreciation for it.

Does Pablo Picasso Use Abstract Art?

To me, Pablo helped open the portal into the abstract world of creation; Outstanding Pioneer Artist, and I’m grateful to be influenced by Pablo in my lifetime.

What Does Abstract Art Say About You?

Love You, Here You are, Thank You, Speaking to You Coming from all frontiers.

Why Are People Attracted To Abstract Art?

Challenging, bold, different, heartfelt, deep, soulful expressions.

Why Is Abstract Art Attractive?

Because we are (least for Anthony) we can speak with our works without being laughed at or made fun of.

What Are The Two Types Of Abstract Art?

  • Curvilinear
  • Color-related or Light-Related
  • Geometric
  • Emotional or Intuitional
  • Gestural
  • Minimalist

Is Abstract Art Spiritual?

Yes, Yes, Yes, All the Way for US!

What Are The Four Qualities Of Abstract?

Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in the depiction of imagery in art. This departure from accurate representation can be slight, partial, or complete. Abstraction exists along a continuum. Even art that aims for verisimilitude of the highest degree can be said to be abstract, at least theoretically, since perfect representation is impossible. Artwork that takes liberties, e.g., altering color or form in ways that are conspicuous, can be said to be partially abstract. Total abstraction bears no trace of any reference to anything recognizable…

award-winning abstract artist
based in Wichita, KS

Order a custom-made, unique piece of abstract art made of upcycled, recycled and green materials